
The elite selling us lies through media distortion, ,
what they want us to believe is out of proportion
to the truths tossed aside like a secret abortion.
They create and control the illusions that sell
here, buy one or two, to hell with your caution.
Don't you want to be pretty or sexy and young?
Just ask a bank manager, all can be done.

Endless empires of obscene wealth dangled before us with glee,
in every one's lounge room, right there on TV.
Brainwashing us to believe, that's what we ought to be,
striving, higher and harder, to have our own money tree.
The poor and the powerless deluded by lies,
the yachts and the mansions you can own, if you'd only try,
just work every day, over and over,
then you too can drive 'round like the queen...
 in the latest Range Rover.
Lend money from the banks 'til the debt stress breaks your shoulders
don't worry, who cares? You'll pay it back, when you're older.

Creeping up ranks of revolutionary movements,
the one's that believe that wars make improvements'
how confusing it is that to murder is sin
but it's really OK for our governments in.
The youth of the world overwhelmed with emotion
cuts on their wrists, up their arms and their thighs,
trying to fit in to the elites big fucking lie.
Infiltrating our minds with the stealth of a predator stalking it's prey,
in a really quiet and benign kind of way.
How can we fight a system that they pay to stay?



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